Glossary: Terms starting with W

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • -ware
  • w00t
  • wabbit
  • waldo
  • walk
  • walk off the end of
  • walking drives
  • wall
  • wall follower
  • wall time
  • wall wart
  • wallhack
  • wango
  • wank
  • wannabee
  • war dialer
  • war-chalking
  • war-driving
  • warez
  • warez d00dz
  • warez kiddies
  • warlording
  • warm boot
  • wart
  • washing machine
  • washing software
  • water MIPS
  • wave a dead chicken
  • weasel
  • web pointer
  • web ring
  • web toaster
  • webify
  • webmaster
  • wedged
  • wedgie
  • wedgitude
  • weeble
  • weeds
  • weenie
  • Weenix
  • well-behaved
  • well-connected
  • wetware
  • whack
  • whack-a-mole
  • whacker
  • whales
  • What's a spline?
  • wheel
  • wheel bit
  • wheel of reincarnation
  • wheel wars
  • white hat
  • whitelist
  • whizzy
  • Whorfian mind-lock
  • wibble
  • widget
  • wiggles
  • wild side
  • WIMP environment
  • win
  • win big
  • win win
  • Winchester
  • windoid
  • window shopping
  • Windowsitis
  • Windoze
  • winged comments
  • winkey
  • winnage
  • winner
  • winnitude
  • Wintel
  • Wintendo
  • wired
  • wirehead
  • wirewater
  • wish list
  • within delta of
  • within epsilon of
  • wizard
  • Wizard Book
  • wizard hat
  • wizard mode
  • wizardly
  • wok-on-the-wall
  • womb box
  • womble
  • wonky
  • workaround
  • working as designed
  • worm
  • wormhole
  • wound around the axle
  • wrap around
  • write-only code
  • write-only language
  • write-only memory
  • Wrong Thing
  • wugga wugga
  • wumpus