Glossary: Terms starting with R

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • rabbit job
  • rain dance
  • rainbow series
  • random
  • Random Number God
  • random numbers
  • randomness
  • rape
  • rare mode
  • raster blaster
  • raster burn
  • rasterbation
  • rat belt
  • rat dance
  • rathole
  • ratio site
  • rave
  • rave on!
  • ravs
  • raw mode
  • RBL
  • rc file
  • RE
  • read-only user
  • README file
  • real
  • real estate
  • real hack
  • real operating system
  • Real Programmer
  • Real Soon Now
  • real time
  • real user
  • Real World
  • reality check
  • reality-distortion field
  • reaper
  • recompile the world
  • rectangle slinger
  • recursion
  • recursive acronym
  • red wire
  • regexp
  • register dancing
  • rehi