Glossary: Terms starting with U

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • u-
  • UBD
  • UBE
  • ubergeek
  • UCE
  • UDP
  • UN*X
  • undefined external reference
  • under the hood
  • undocumented feature
  • uninteresting
  • Unix
  • Unix brain damage
  • Unix conspiracy
  • Unix weenie
  • unixism
  • unswizzle
  • unwind the stack
  • unwind-protect
  • up
  • upload
  • upstream
  • upthread
  • uptime
  • urchin
  • URL
  • Usenet
  • Usenet Death Penalty
  • user
  • user-friendly
  • user-obsequious
  • userland
  • Utah teapot, the
  • UTSL
  • UUOC