
The Jargon File is great by itself, but it also has plenty of references to invaluable resources, born from the quintessence of the hacker community. For your convenience we have compiled the list of all the books that have been mentioned throughout the Jargon File.

The New Hacker's Dictionary

Eric S. Raymond. MIT Press; 3rd edition. 547 pages. .

The New Hacker's Dictionary, a common heritage of the hacker culture, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor.

Over the years a number of individuals have volunteered considerable time to maintaining the File and been recognized by the net at large as editors of it. From time to time a snapshot of this file has been polished, edited, and formatted for commercial publication with the cooperation of the volunteer editors and the hacker community at large. If you wish to have a bound paper copy of this file, you may find it convenient to purchase one of these. They often contain additional material not found in on-line versions.

This book has been mentioned in the following pages of the Jargon File: Chapter 3. Revision History.

A Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown

Robert Baker; Prentice-Hall, 1982. 0-13-852608-7.

Amazon customer review -- Science Geek Humor ... if you don't like science, you won't like this book. But if you've spent too many hours in a lab coat working on your advisor's projects while you own languishes in a corner, this might appeal. ...if you appreciate the difference between a lipid and a lipstick, you may enjoy this. My favorites in the book: "Psychoanalysis of Missle Failures" and "Hiawatha's Lipid"

This book has been mentioned in the following pages of the Jargon File: Finagle's Law.

Algorithms in C

Robert Sedgewick; Addison-Wesley 1990, . review --- Algorithms in C is a comprehensive repository of algorithms, complete with code. If you're in a pinch and need to code something up fast, this book is the place to look. Starting with basic data structures, Algorithms in C covers an enormous scope of information, with extensive treatment of searching and advanced data structures, sorting, string processing, computational geometry, graph problems, and mathematical algorithms. Although the manual often neglects to provide rigorous analysis, the text surrounding the algorithms provides clear and relevant insight into why the algorithms work.

This book has been mentioned in the following pages of the Jargon File: linearithmic.

Applied Cryptography

Bruce Schneier; 2nd ed., 1996, John Wiley & Sons, .

Cryptographic techniques have applications far beyond the obvious uses of encoding and decoding information. For Internet developers who need to know about capabilities, such as digital signatures, that depend on cryptographic techniques, there's no better overview than Applied Cryptography, the definitive book on the subject. Bruce Schneier covers general classes of cryptographic protocols and then specific techniques, detailing the inner workings of real-world cryptographic algorithms including the Data Encryption Standard and RSA public-key cryptosystems. The book includes source-code listings and extensive advice on the practical aspects of cryptography implementation, such as the importance of generating truly random numbers and of keeping keys secure.

This book has been mentioned in the following pages of the Jargon File: Alice and Bob.

C Programming Language

Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie; Prentice Hall; 0-13-110163-3; 0-13-110362-8. reviews -- Just about every C programmer I respect learned C from this book. Unlike many of the 1,000 page doorstops stuffed with CD-ROMs that have become popular, this volume is concise and powerful (if somewhat dangerous) -- like C itself. And it was written by Kernighan himself. Need we say more?

...A high-intensity tutorial and a great reference... The book was a trendsetter in several ways. For example, the very first exercise given is to print "hello, world"; this is now seen as the first exercise in innumerable other, more recent books, many of which may not realize that they are borrowing from K&R. ...the real value of this book is in the tutorial approach: it is a rare pleasure in the computing field to find a book that is simultaneously clear, stimulating and informative.

This book has been mentioned in the following pages of the Jargon File: Classic C, K&R, New Testament.

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