Glossary: Terms starting with F

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • -fu
  • face time
  • factor
  • fairings
  • fall over
  • fall through
  • fan
  • fandango on core
  • FAQ
  • FAQ list
  • FAQL
  • faradize
  • farkled
  • farm
  • fascist
  • fat electrons
  • fat pipe
  • fat-finger
  • faulty
  • fear and loathing
  • feature
  • feature creature
  • feature creep
  • feature key
  • feature shock
  • featurectomy
  • feep
  • feeper
  • feeping creature
  • feeping creaturism
  • feetch feetch
  • fence
  • fencepost error
  • fiber-seeking backhoe
  • FidoNet
  • field circus
  • field servoid
  • file signature
  • filk
  • film at 11
  • filter
  • Finagle's Law
  • fine
  • finger
  • finger trouble
  • finger-pointing syndrome
  • finn
  • firebottle
  • firefighting
  • firehose syndrome
  • firewall code
  • firewall machine
  • fireworks mode
  • firmware
  • fish
  • FISH queue
  • fisking
  • fix
  • flag
  • flag day
  • flaky
  • flamage
  • flame
  • flame bait
  • flame on
  • flame war
  • flamer
  • flap
  • flarp
  • flash crowd
  • flat
  • flat-ASCII
  • flat-file
  • flatten
  • flavor
  • flavorful
  • flippy
  • flood
  • flowchart
  • flower key
  • flush
  • flypage
  • Flyspeck 3
  • flytrap
  • FM
  • fnord
  • FOAF
  • FOD
  • fold case
  • followup
  • fontology
  • foo
  • foobar
  • fool
  • fool file
  • Foonly
  • footprint
  • for free
  • for the rest of us
  • for values of
  • fora
  • foreground
  • fork
  • fork bomb
  • forked
  • Formosa's Law
  • Fortrash
  • fortune cookie
  • forum
  • fossil
  • four-color glossies
  • frag
  • fragile
  • Frankenputer
  • fred
  • Fred Foobar
  • frednet
  • free software
  • freeware
  • freeze
  • fried
  • frink
  • friode
  • fritterware
  • frob
  • frobnicate
  • frobnitz
  • frog
  • frogging
  • front end
  • frotz
  • frotzed
  • frowney
  • FRS
  • fry
  • fscking
  • FSF
  • fuck me harder
  • FUD
  • FUD wars
  • fudge
  • fudge factor
  • fuel up
  • Full Monty
  • fum
  • functino
  • funky
  • funny money
  • furrfu