Glossary: Terms starting with B

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • B1FF
  • B5
  • back door
  • backbone cabal
  • backbone site
  • backgammon
  • background
  • backreference
  • backronym
  • backward combatability
  • BAD
  • Bad and Wrong
  • Bad Thing
  • bag on the side
  • bagbiter
  • bagbiting
  • baggy pantsing
  • balloonian variable
  • bamf
  • banana problem
  • bandwidth
  • bang
  • bang on
  • bang path
  • banner
  • banner ad
  • banner site
  • bar
  • bare metal
  • barf
  • barfmail
  • barfulation
  • barfulous
  • barn
  • barney
  • baroque
  • batbelt
  • batch
  • bathtub curve
  • Batman factor
  • baud
  • baz
  • bazaar
  • bboard
  • BBS
  • BCPL
  • BDFL
  • beam
  • beanie key
  • beep
  • Befunge
  • beige toaster
  • bells and whistles
  • bells whistles and gongs
  • benchmark
  • Berkeley Quality Software
  • Berzerkeley
  • beta
  • BFI
  • BI
  • bible
  • BiCapitalization
  • biff
  • big iron
  • Big Red Switch
  • Big Room
  • big win
  • big-endian
  • bignum
  • bigot
  • bikeshedding
  • binary four
  • bit
  • bit bang
  • bit bashing
  • bit bucket
  • bit decay
  • bit rot
  • bit twiddling
  • bit-paired keyboard
  • bitblt
  • bits
  • bitty box
  • bixie
  • black art
  • black hat
  • black hole
  • black magic
  • Black Screen of Death
  • blammo
  • blargh
  • blast
  • blat
  • bletch
  • bletcherous
  • blinkenlights
  • blit
  • blitter
  • blivet
  • bloatware
  • BLOB
  • block
  • blog
  • Bloggs Family
  • blogosphere
  • blogrolling
  • blow an EPROM
  • blow away
  • blow out
  • blow past
  • blow up
  • BLT
  • blue box
  • Blue Glue
  • blue goo
  • Blue Screen of Death
  • blue wire
  • blurgle
  • BNF
  • boa
  • board
  • boat anchor
  • bob
  • bodge
  • BOF
  • BOFH
  • bogo-sort
  • bogometer
  • BogoMIPS
  • bogon
  • bogon filter
  • bogon flux
  • bogosity
  • bogotify
  • bogue out
  • bogus
  • Bohr bug
  • boink
  • bomb
  • bondage-and-discipline language
  • bonk/oif
  • book titles
  • boot
  • Borg
  • borken
  • bot
  • bottom feeder
  • bottom-post
  • bottom-up implementation
  • bounce
  • bounce message
  • boustrophedon
  • box
  • boxed comments
  • boxen
  • boxology
  • bozotic
  • brain dump
  • brain fart
  • brain-damaged
  • brain-dead
  • braino
  • brainwidth
  • bread crumbs
  • break
  • break-even point
  • breath-of-life packet
  • breedle
  • Breidbart Index
  • brick
  • bricktext
  • bring X to its knees
  • brittle
  • broadcast storm
  • broken
  • broken arrow
  • broken-ring network
  • BrokenWindows
  • broket
  • Brooks's Law
  • brown-paper-bag bug
  • browser
  • BRS
  • brute force
  • brute force and ignorance
  • BSD
  • BSOD
  • BUAF
  • BUAG
  • bubble sort
  • bucky bits
  • buffer chuck
  • buffer overflow
  • bug
  • bug-compatible
  • bug-for-bug compatible
  • bug-of-the-month club
  • bulletproof
  • bullschildt
  • bump
  • burble
  • buried treasure
  • burn a CD
  • burn-in period
  • burst page
  • busy-wait
  • buzz
  • buzzword-compliant
  • BWQ
  • by hand
  • byte
  • byte sex
  • bytesexual
  • Bzzzt! Wrong.